Get grounded

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For Coping and Regulating

Containment is a technique often used in EMDR and processing trauma to help cope with dysregulation in the mind and body through visualization. It can be used as a tool to cope with grief, stress, anxiety and depression.

For Grounding

Grounding or earthing is a therapeutic technique that focuses on realigning your electrical energy by reconnecting to the earth. Being grounded means that we are aware of our body and immediate surroundings. We are present and less likely to be affected by the energies of other people, places, and situations. When our energy is grounded, we are calm, focused, feel safe in our surroundings, and secure in who we are.

For Sleep

Guided meditation can help with restlessness and difficulty sleeping. If you suffer from sleepless nights, please find a quiet space to be present with your mind and body as I guide you through a relaxing meditation.


To Develop Somatic Awareness

Light Stream is a technique often used in EMDR and processing trauma to help develop somatic awareness while visualizing healing of disturbing material in the mind and body. It can be used as a tool to cope with grief, stress, anxiety and depression.

For Chronic Pain

Our minds are so powerful! The thoughts and subsequent feelings and emotions that we have can enhance our experiences in positive or negative ways. When we experience chronic pain, it’s natural for our thoughts to go to dark places which can amplify the pain in our body, and in our feelings and emotions. This mindful practice can help you learn how to associate more pleasurable, safe and comforting sensations when experiencing chronic pain. They key word is practice; we retrain our brain and strengthen neural pathways through repetition and consistency.

For Pain Management and Stress Relief

A guided progressive muscle relaxation exercise that is great for pain management and stress relief.


For Pain

Guided imagery can be helpful in decreasing and managing pain. If you suffer from pain, please find a quiet space to be present with your mind and body as I guide you through a relaxing visualization. This recording asks you to envision a beautiful sunset.


To Ground Through the Body

Embodied awareness is a way for you to mindfully ground into the present moment through your body by noticing emotions and sensations. When you're experiencing any level of unpleasant emotions or body sensations, this practice can help you tune into what your body needs.

Gratitude Practice

A regular gratitude practice has been shown to increase positive emotions, it can allow us to express more compassion and kindness, improve sleep, boost immunity and decrease the risk of disease. This guided visualization may help you to notice and reflect upon the things you’re thankful for and experience beneficial shifts in your thoughts, feelings and sensations.

For Pain

Guided imagery can be helpful in decreasing and managing pain. If you suffer from pain, please find a quiet space to be present with your mind and body as I guide you through a relaxing visualization. This recording asks you to envision a beautiful body of water that you enter to promote relaxation.


For Processing Emotions

Using embodied awareness, this practice guides you through a process of softening into uncomfortable emotions and sensations in the body and cultivating a sense of ease.

For Anxiety

Guided visualization can help with restlessness, stress and anxiety. If you have difficulty calming down or are experiencing stress and anxiety, please find a quiet space to be present with your mind and body as I guide you through this peaceful visualization through a wildlife sanctuary.


For Processing Grief

This practice is a way to create a space to safely experience emotions and sensations as you move through your grief. You'll have a chance to cultivate a sense of support and loving kindness for your experience.